24 Ağustos 2010 Salı

Zagreb Avrupa Şampiyonası Kadrosu

İlk kez katılacağımız 12 takımlı  A Avrupa Şampiyonası için 13 kişilik son takım listesini açıklamanın zamanı geldi. 29 Ağustos'ta başlayacak şampiyona için 27 Ağustos Cuma günü yola çıkacağız. Lugano B Şampiyonasını kazandıktan sonra geçtiğimiz Nisan ayına kadar kendimizi elemelere hazırlamıştık. Slovakya maçını kazandığımız gün ise okyanusu geçtiğimizi hepimiz biliyorduk.

İmkanlar dahilinde hazırlık dönemini tamamladık. Önümüzde 14 gün sürecek bir şampiyona var. Ancak onunla da kalmayacak... Alacağımız sıra 2012 Avrupa Şampiyonası elemelerinde de önemli bir rol oynayacak. Yeniden katılacağımız World League maçları da cabası... Kısaca asıl maraton şimdi başlıyor! Bu süreçte bize düşen başı dik ve onurlu adamlar olarak elimizden geleni ortaya koymak.

Bu uzun şampiyonada ülkemizi temsil edecek olan sporcularımıza gelince;
  1. Oytun Okman -G.Saray- C
  2. Atilla Sezer - İyik
  3. Serdar Hakyemez- Assk
  4. Tarkan Güveli - Assk
  5. Halil Beşkardeşler - G.Saray
  6. Yiğithan Hantal - İyik
  7. Emre Coskun - İyik
  8. Can Güven - Hssk
  9. Anıl Sönmez - Hssk
  10. Berk Gunkut - İyik
  11. Alican Çağatay - G.Saray
  12. Can Gözüsulu - G.Saray
  13. Deniz Tolga Balta - Enka

Sutopunda Omuz Yaralanmaları ve Önleme Yöntemleri

Prof.Dr.Mustafa Karahan ile beraber organize ettiğimiz ve kendisinin büyük katkılarıyla ortaya çıkan "Sutopunda Omuz Yaralanmaları ve Önleme Yöntemleri"  çalıştayı  18.09.2010 da Akgün Otel (5) te gerçekleşecektir. Tüm antrenör,oyuncu , idareci ve spor hekimleri davetlimiz olup katılacakların federasyona veya bana mail atmaları yeterli olacaktır.


Dr Mustafa Karahan,Dr Onur Başçı,Dr Alan Ivkovic,Fzt Murat Şahinoğlu,Dr Nuri Topsakal,Dr Sami Mengütay

Program ;

14:00 – 14:15             Sutopu’nun kuralları ve felsefesi 
- general introduction of water polo (biomechanics, rules etc - for physicians)

14:15 – 14:45             Spor Yaralanmalarının Önlenmesinin Genel Kuralları, Dr. Umut Akgün
- general concepts of sports injury prevention (stretching etc)

14:45 – 15:00             Omuz Anatomisi, Dr Onur Başçı 
- shoulder anatomy

15:00 – 15:30             Sutopu’nda Omuz Biyomekaniği, Dr Alan Ivkovic 
- shoulder biomechanics in water polo

15:30 – 15:45             Coffee Break
15:45 – 16:15             Omuzun Aşırı Kullanma Sorunları, Dr Alan Ivkovic
- overuse injuries of the shoulder

16:15 – 16:30             Artroskopik Omuz Cerrahisi, Dr Mustafa Karahan
- arthroscopic shoulder surgery,
16:30 – 17:00             Omuz Rehabilitasyonu, Fzt Murat Şahinoğlu 
- shoulder rehabilitation,

17:00 – 17:30             Sezon Dışı Omuz Güçlendirme Programları, Dr Nuri Topsakal
- off season shoulder strengthening,

17:30 – 18:00             Ergenlik döneminde Sutopu, Dr Sami Mengütay
- adolescent water polo player

18:00 – 18:30             Tartışma
18:30 – 19:00             Kapanış
19:00 – 22:00             Yemek

23 Ağustos 2010 Pazartesi

The Mechanical Power Output in Water Polo: a Case Report

The Mechanical Power

Gatta, G.1; Fantozzi, S2; Cortesi, M1; Patti, F1; Bonifazi, M3 1Faculty of Exercise and Sport Science University of Bologna,ITALY; 2Computer Sciences and Systems, ITALY; 3Faculty of Medicine, University of Siena, Italian Swimming Federation

The coaches use normal swimming parameters as reference to develop the plan training activities even if the water polo player does not move as a swimmer in the best hydrodynamic position.The purpose of this work is to compare the mechanical power required to play a game as computed with a new model based on the specific analysis of the swimming’s technique of water polo.
Two indices of passive drag were measured with the method of towing at different speeds (1.2-1.4-1.6-1.8-2 m/s) in a water polo player (27 years,1.77 m, 79 kg). The first index was obtained in the position of “best glide” (Swim), the second index was obtained in a “head-up” position of the subject (Wp). The active drag in the two conditions was estimated (Kjendlie, 2008) as 1.5 times the value of passive drag. To calculate the drag in acceleration, the maximum acceleration reached by the typical water polo starting in “trudgeon” was measured. Then, that value (m/s*s) was reproduced in the tow Ben-Hur by measuring the drag value in the specific condition. The value of the mechanical power required to the water polo was computed multiplying the drag by speed: Power-drag =k*vn*v. The data of game model is obtained from a video analysis of the individual distances and velocity on a international water polo match in World Championship 1994. The total swimming time was defined for four steps of velocity and the values of mechanical power were calculated for all steps.
The average mechanical power of a water polo game in Swim model was 150489J/2400s=62.70W, in WP model is 481375J/2400s=200.57W.

The crawl technique used by water polo players involves a higher energy cost compared to the crawl technique used in swimming due to the need to keep the head out of the water. The players perform a series of swimming sprints with starts from standstill alternated to stationary phases. The mechanical power required to the water polo players could be more than three-fold higher than that required for freestyle swimming at the same velocities. Our study highlights the importance of developing specific training programs for water polo, addressing the higher requirements of mechanical power, taking into account the specific movement techniques and comparing the distances travelled using different swimming techniques.

REFERENCES: Kjendlie P.L., Stallmann R:K., (2008) Drag characteristics of competitive swimming children and adults.

17 Ağustos 2010 Salı

Models for Assessimg General Horizontal Swimming Abilities of Junior Water Polo Players

Models for Assessimg General Horizontal Swimming Abilities of Junior Water Polo Players According to Playing Position

Tactical, technical, physical demands and also playing position differences of the water polo players are very important factors for competitive success. Therefore, the aim of this study was to identify general level
of horizontal swim abilities of junior water polo players according to playing positions.
The data was consisted of 71 players, members of national junior teams from: Slovenia, Turkiye, Serbia and Greece. 
Players were divided three main playing position group, peripherals (P,n=41),central defenders (CD,n=20) and centar players (C,n=13). The following six swimming test were performed, crawl; 15m, 25m, 50m, 200m, 25m crawl with head up and 25m crawl with ball. All tests were performed in the 50m swimming pool, the players started in water at the signal of the timekeeper. The results of these tests were analyzed using confirmative model of factorial analysis for the determination of the factorial scores. Following the mathematical multidimensional procedures was determined for creating model for assessing the horizontal swim score (HSS) equation for three different playing positions; for the peripherals HSS(P), for the central defenders HSS(CD) and for the centar players HSS(C). Result of HSS for three different playing positions was expressed numerically. There are no statistical differences between general level of basic horizontal swim abilities according to position.

The HSS equation has the following model for the peripherals; 
S(P)=349.882-(m15crawl*5.681)-(m25crawl*3.555)-(m50crawl*1.893) -(m200crawl*0.408)-(m25crawlHUP*3.608) - (m25crawlWB*2.844).
The HSS equation has the following model for the central defenders;
HSS(CD)=349.872-(m15crawl*5.682)-(m25crawl*3.559)-(m50crawl*1.893) - (m200crawl*0.408)-(m25crawlHUP*3.603)-(m25crawlWB*2.845).
The HSS equation has the following model for the centar players; 
HSS(C)=349.938-(m15crawl*5.679)-(m25crawl*3.557)-(m50crawl*1.893) - (m200crawl*0.408)-m25crawlHUP*3.607)-(m25crawlWB*2.845).
The results showed that best level of HSS according to positions; peripherals, centar players and central defenders at score number level: 50.34, 49.76 and 49.43 respectively. The present study provided effective information on the general level of horizontal swimming performance of elite young water polo players according to playing positions, and defined equations can be used by coaches as effective and easy to apply method for testing actual level of horizontal swimming prepearenes at junior water polo players.

8 Ağustos 2010 Pazar

2012 Eindhoven Qualification Groups

2012 Avrupa Şampiyonası için toplam 26 ülke başvurdu ve Zagreb'ten sonra 20 takım eleme gruplarında mücadeleye başlayacaklar.
2012 Eindhoven da yer almak için ilk olarak eleme gruplarında ilk iki sırayı almak gerekiyor.Daha sonra grup birler kura ile grup ikilerle 2 maç üzerinden oynayacak olup kazanalar Avrupa Şampiyonasına katılmaya hak kazanacaklar.

Gruplar ise şu şekilde;

Group A

10th place Zagreb
Group B

6th place Zagreb
Group C

8th place Zagreb
12th place Zagreb 
Group D

11th place Zagreb

Group E

9th place Zagreb 
Great Britain

Group F

7th place Zagreb

6 Ağustos 2010 Cuma

Len Throphy Eleme Grupları

Len Throphy eleme 1. Tur grupları bugün çekildi . Gruplarda ilk 4 sırayı alan takımlar Len Throphy e devam edecek olup tüm gruplar şu şekilde ;

Group A in Tblissi, Georgia

CN Posillipo (ITA)
Olympic Nice (FRA)
Honvéd Budapest (HUN)
ENKA Istanbul (TUR)
ASA Tel Aviv (ISR)
Dynamo Tblissi (GEO)

Group B in Kotor, Montenegro

VA Cattaro (MNE)
SV Weiden (GER)
FNC Douai (FRA)
WC Zac (SRB)
Ilycheviets Mariupol (UKR)

Group C in Stuttgart, Germany

SSV Esslingen (GER)
FTC Budapest (HUN)
NOP Patras (GRE)
Dynamo Moscow (RUS)
Wolfhounds Belfast (IRL)

Group D in Koper, Slovenia

RN Florentia (ITA)
Val Prcanj (MNE)
PAOK Thessaloniki (GRE)
VK Koper (SLO)
Orta Dogu Ankara (TUR)


Euro League  ön eleme 1. tur kurraları bugün çekildi. Gruplarda ilk 2 sırayı alan takımlar euro League , son 2 takım ise Len Throphy e devam edecek olup tüm gruplar şu şekilde;

Group A in Kosice, Slovakia

CN Teressa (ESP)

Wasserfreunde Spandau 04 (GER)

CH Hornets Kosice (SVK)

Galatasaray Istanbul (TUR)

Group B in Istanbul, Turkey

Leonessa Brescia (ITA)

Vouliagmeni NC (GRE)

Amateur SC Duisburg (GER)

Yuzme Istanbul (TUR)

BMK Charkov (UKR)

Group C in Szeged, Hungary

Primorje Rijeka (CRO)

Szegedi VE (HUN)

CSM Oradea (ROU)

Montpellier WP (FRA)

Group D in Budva, Montenegro

PVK Buda (MNE)

Shturm 2002 Chekhov (RUS)

CN Marseille (FRA)


Schurman BRC (NED)

5 Ağustos 2010 Perşembe

Body Composition Differences in Elite Waterpolo Players

Body Composition Differences in Elite Waterpolo Players

Ozkol, Z1; Turunc, S2; Dopsaj, M3
1Ege University, TURKEY; 2Turkiye National Waterpolo Team,
TURKEY; 3University of Belgrade, SERBIA

INTRODUCTION: The aim of the present study was to investigate 
body composition differences in three different group elite water polo 
METHODS: All players representative of Turkiye National Waterpolo Team, totaly 163 waterpolo player investigated. First group consists of 18 senior water polo player age of 24.3±4.9 (SGRP), second group consists of 73 junior water polo player age group of 15-16 (JGRP) and the third group consists of 62 youth waterpolo player age group of 13-14 (YGRP). Body composition analysis made with Tanita BC-
418 Segmental Body Composition Analyzer (Tanita Corp., Tokyo, Japan) by BIA. All players analyzed at the begining of the national teams preparation period at 2009-2010. Data analyzed with PC using statistic
software program SPSS for Win, 11.0.0 – SPSS Inc., 1989-2001) and the p value set at 0.05 significant level

RESULTS: At the results, differences were found between these three waterpolo player group at the
following body composition parameters (p<0.05); height, body mass,basal metabolic rate, fat mass, fat free mass, total body water, right leg fat free mass, right leg predicted muscle mass, left leg fat free mass, left
leg predicted muscle mass, right arm fat ratio, right arm fat free mass,right arm predicted muscle mass, left arm fat ratio, left arm fat free mass,left arm predicted muscle mass, truncal fat mass, truncal fat free mass
and truncal predicted muscle mass.

DISCUSSION: The present study provides baseline physiological data that have been used in the prescription of individual training programs (weight loss programs or strenght
training) for these waterpolo players and this information is also available
to the coaches.

1 Ağustos 2010 Pazar

Analysis of the Shots According to Set(6-6)

XIth International Symposium for Biomechanics and Medicine in Swimming
Oslo, 16th – 19th June 2010

Analysis of the Shots According to Set Playing (6-6) Position in Waterpolo at European B Waterpolo
Championships in Lugano 2009
Ozkol, Z1; Turunc, S2; Dopsaj, M3
1Ege University, TURKEY; 2Turkiye National Waterpolo Team,
TURKEY; 3University of Belgrade, SERBIA

INTRODUCTION: The aim of the present study was to analysis the 
shots according to set playing (6-6) position in waterpolo matches 
at 2009 European Waterpolo B Championships in Lugano.

METHODS:Therefore totaly 14 waterpolo matches including 10 teams shots 
analyzed with Waterpolo Match Analysis Program (WP_Pro_Analiz,
Izmir-Turkiye, 2009), PC using statistic software program SPSS for 
Win, release 11.0.0 – Standart Version (Copyright© SPSS Inc., 1989-
2001) and excel program. The following parameters analyzed for the 
shots; the ending point of the shoots in the goal, fake number of a
chieved shots, preliminary position of the shots and the shots distance 
achieved from the goal.

RESULTS: From the important findings 

of the analysis, the % 34.1 (157 shot) of the total 460 shot ending at 
the left down side in the goal, the % 30.4 (140 shot) of the total 460 
shot achieved from the position 3 (P3) but only % 19.3 (27 shot)

scored of the total 140 shoot from this position (P3), the % 41.5 (191
shot) and % 33.9 (156 shot) of the total 460 shot achieved with no 
fake and one fake espectively, the % 50.7 (233 shoot) and % 21.5 (99 

shot) of the total 460 shoot achieved from set (6-6) position shot 
and fast break shoot respectively, the % 10 (46 shot) of the total 460 
shot achieved from the center position, the % 9.6 (44 shot) and %
8.3 (38 shoot) of the total 460 shot achieved with cross-pass shot 

and faul shoot respectively and the last important finding the % 59.1 
(271 shot) of the total 460 shot achieved from 5-7m away from the goal.

DISCUSSION: The present study provided effective information 
on the achieved shoots in the waterpolo games and also the findings is 
usefull to the coaches for different game strategies, usefull for the goalie 
and the field players for whom specialization for the shot.